Reasons I Might be Excited for AI Tonight

Here are just one or two reasons why I just might enjoy tonight’s episode of American Idol…

  1. Maybe Ramiele will do a game of peek-a-boo into the reflective lens of the camera
  2. Maybe Randy will tell us again how many times he worked with every single artist under the sun.
  3. Maybe Jason Castro will accidentally break off another dreadlock, collapse on stage and sob for its loss.
  4. Maybe I’ll start enjoying the shameless hard sell on Coke, Ford, and Apple.
  5. Maybe Michael Johns will do another Queen song (since that’s all he can do).
  6. Maybe it will be Lennon/McCartney/Beatles night AGAIN!
  7. Maybe Archuleta and Brooke will have an all out scripture chase on stage.
  8. Maybe… Um… Well… Actually… Paula will… can put together… there is this idea of… maybe a single… umm… cohesive sentence.
  9. Maybe I’ll get my Braun fix in.
  10. Maybe Simon will be wearing another revealing v-neck.

There’s just OH So much to look forward to…

9 thoughts on “Reasons I Might be Excited for AI Tonight”

  1. I know…can you stand it? I seriously have some kind of ridiculous obsession with Idol that I look forward to it starting Thursday morning all the way
    until Tuesday night. Perhaps I should seek help…like a 12 step program?

    Oh, and WE, I hate to be a downer but there is NO WAY on this planet Paula is going to come up with a complete sentence. All other hopes you listed are
    still alive though.

  2. ARGH! I have to wait till Thursday and Friday to get my fix!

    Oh, and Paula makes me NUTS with the…she…it just…it doesn’t…you make…a…it was…magical…really lovely…performance. I think. (Shut up, Simon!)

  3. My favorite is the potential of a scripture chase… Should I have mine ready just in case they encourage audience participation? 🙂

  4. In the words of Paula, which are actually the words of Simon (because she has nothing original) This post was just “brilliant”! Paula never said brilliant until this season and now I hear it every episode. I can’t stand how she pilfers little catch phrases and words from her fellow judges and makes them her own. How is she even qualified to be judging this show? I think that is our answer right there. She’s not and that is why she can’t think of anything original to say because she has no idea what she is talking about.

  5. Is it me, or does David Cook seem like another Daughtry?? Even if he doesn’t win AI, he’ll be signed.

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