Still Undecided, and Growing Apathetic

I’m still not sure who I’ll be pressing the button for tomorrow, Obama and McCain both present positions that are untenable in my opinion.  Neither of them represent my core values and beliefs on the role of government.  I can’t even pull a “lesser of two evils” as I did in 2004, because these guys are so off-their-rocker that it’s just sad!

It’s not like it matters much, though.  I live in the state of Texas, which will send all its electoral votes for McCain, no questions asked.  Most of you who read my blog are from either Texas or Utah, which both enjoy a stranglehold by the Republican party in Presidential politics.  So whoever I vote for would be a vote of conscience, without much real meaning.

Continue reading Still Undecided, and Growing Apathetic

The Politics of Fear

I’m officially sick of politics and completely over this upcoming election.

What I’m most sick of right now is the “politics of fear” that iEveryone (you know, everyone’s internet-based alter-ego) is completely wrapped up in.

What do I mean by politics of fear?

I have friends on all sides of the political arena, and I get about 5-10 emails or facebook messages a day from them saying “I’m just scared of what <insert other guy’s name here> will do to our country.  And here’s why…”  followed by lies, rumors, speculations, and unsubstantiated drivel!

Continue reading The Politics of Fear

Weekend Political Roundup

It has been a big week, and yesterday was a HUGE day in politics.  I’m sure thousands (if not millions) of you logged on to see what I had to say about Barack’s speech and McCain’s VEEP pick.

Sorry for the disappointment.

Let me just say that instead, I focused on singing a lot of Karaoke last night.  ‘Nuff said.

For those of you who wondered why I gave so much coverage to the DNC this week, don’t you fear.  I will be putting the same amount of scrutiny into the upcoming RNC.  So stay tuned.

Continue reading Weekend Political Roundup

Nancy Pelosi is a Communist

Obama Chooses Biden

Joe Biden was the right choice for Obama.  I liked him in the Democrat’s primary race.  He lends experience and gravitas to the Obama ticket, while not overshadowing the top of the ticket (like Hillary would have done).  Now that this is done and the hand wringing is over, it is clearly the right decision.

The question still remains, though: Can two waste-of-skin Democrat senators actually succeed at the top two executive positions of the biggest enterprise in the world?  I’m still not convinced.

Continue reading Nancy Pelosi is a Communist