Why I Love My Wife

Just a few reasons I love this lady… for no particular reason.
  1. No pretense.  She ate a full meal when we had our first date.  She was hungry – so she ate.  None of this eating a pre-date meal so you can look like you don’t eat a lot stuff.
  2. Slow to judge.  She is always slow to judge someone based on limited information.  She’s no dullard, but she gives everyone a fair shot to prove they are idiots before calling them such.
  3. Generous.  She took what I thought was generous and took it to a whole new level.  Give til it hurts.
  4. Cuddler.  She likes to be near me, whether she feels good or not, and whether my breath stinks or not.
  5. Vegetables.  She makes me eat them.
  6. Thorough. She saves the yellow slip from church.  Our finances are all thoroughly audited.
  7. Encouraging.  She pushes me to my limits and then helps me manage the stress.
  8. Adventurous.  We’ll probably never vacation in the same place twice.
  9. Rut-free.  She can’t stand that I have a glass of Orange Juice and two Special K bars for breakfast every morning.
  10. Strong.  Unless it’s a spider or a lizard (in which case she turns into a totally stereotypical girl) she is not afraid of anything.
  11. She’s having my baby.

20 Week Ultrasound

We had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday, which gave us a glimpse of whether we’d be having a girl or boy…

It’s a BOY!!

A2 was so thrilled. She didn’t make her boy hopes much of a secret, and well… I didn’t much care either way – as long as he was growing healthily and normally – which he was. No concerns from the Doctor or sonographer.

There was some slight drama, because our appointment got reschedule, but for some reason the ultrasound didn’t get rescheduled as well – so we weren’t on the sonographer’s schedule. She was able to sneak us in, probably knowing that I would have flown off the handle at half of the office for making us wait another day or two to know.

So… one more big mental step is done. Every little step like this makes it feel more and more real.

Pinch me.

An Empire of Relationships

I have a theory about men: Men are empire builders.

I’m not talking about Nero, Constatine, or Caesar (though he created a great salad).  Empire building on a worldwide scale kind of went out of favor in the 19th century… I’m talking about local empire building.  I’m taking about men who build an empire in the immediate vicinity of their own being.

A man’s empire consists of the things he loves and values most.  Most of his satisfaction and joy is derived from watching that empire grow.

Let me give you a few examples:

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