Go G-ayla!

Tomorrow is another big day in my extended family, G-ayla is getting married!  (That’s Gordon+Kayla).

I am so happy for them!!!  Mostly because I really never thought Gordon would ever get a clue.  Don’t get me wrong Gordo, but I thought you’d be playing video games and eating nothing but junk food well into your 40’s.

I’m so glad you guys have finally seen the light and figured out that you were destined to be together after all these years of denying it. (…and not even telling us about your little soirees!  Rude!)

Sadly, because this is the THIRD wedding in my family this year (holy crap!  and still one more to go!), I won’t be attending this one.  I can only stand so many trips out to Utah every year, and this one just didn’t work out.

Bummer 🙁

In spite of that, I want Gayla to know how much I love and support them.  They will make a great married couple.

… And somehow… you’ll make it through tomorrow without me!

Give a Guy a Chance

This is one of my favorite speeches on being a husband and father.  Gordon Hinckley gave it in 1998 – over 10 years ago – but I remember it like it was yesterday.

Here are some excerpts:

The girl you marry will take a terrible chance on you.

She will wish to be married to someone who loves her, who trusts her, who walks beside her, who is her very best friend and companion. She will wish to be married to someone who encourages her in her Church activity and in community activities which will help her to develop her talents and make a greater contribution to society. She will want to be married to someone who has a sense of service to others, who is disposed to contribute to the Church and to other good causes. She will wish to be married to someone who loves the Lord and seeks to do His will.

I constantly deal with those cases of members of the Church who have been married… and who later divorce.  When first married, they are full of great expectations, with a wonderful spirit of happiness. But the flower of love fades in an atmosphere of criticism and carping, of mean words and uncontrolled anger. Love flies out the window as contention enters. I repeat, my brethren, if any of you young men have trouble controlling your temper, I plead with you to begin the work of making that correction now. Otherwise you will bring only tears and sorrow into the homes which you will someday establish.

I am satisfied that if we would look for the virtues in one another and not the vices, there would be much more of happiness in the homes of our people. There would be far less of divorce, much less of infidelity, much less of anger and rancor and quarreling. There would be more of forgiveness, more of love, more of peace, more of happiness. This is as the Lord would have it.

Some sage wisdom that needs to be read and re-read.

Full article here.

Word of the Month

The word of the month is:


unkempt, disheveled, messy

My fiance has been trying to get me to do my hair more frowsily.  She thinks it looks good, I think (especially when she fluffs it in the back) that it looks like chicken little.

Good thing I got a haircut last night – less hair to frowse up.  (While ‘frowsily’ was (I think) a correct usage, I’m no sure sure about ‘frowse’ as a noun…)

Didn’t bedhead go out of style a few years ago?  I mean, I understand that I have to actively resist the ‘nerd-gravity’ that working at a tech company exerts on me, but I didn’t think it had gotten that bad…

… Or maybe it has… I did have to throw away a few pairs of pants last year after realized that they were high watering.

Yeah, it’s bad.  Soon I’ll start speaking in acronyms only.

Stuff I Will Do For the Rest of My Life

About a week ago, my fiance surprised me by going over to my house on her day off and doing some cleaning.

Now, I’m a pretty clean person – especially for a bachelor – but there’s one thing I’ve never been ‘anal’ enough to do, and that is to keep the hard water stains from accumulating on the shower glass.

It’s just a futile thing.  It’s an uphill battle.  In “Man vs. Nature”, nature will win every time.

Well, she spent what must have been a very long time scrubbing the glass in the shower and removing the hard water spots.  Then, she hung a simple instrument of torture inside the shower:

Continue reading Stuff I Will Do For the Rest of My Life

Big News

So, it’s no secret that I try to keep my personal life out of the blog as much as possible. As I’ve said before, I prefer to make this blog about things (as I see them), rather than about myself and all my awesomeness.


There are certain events in a man’s life that completely change everything – that deserve to be blogged about – and this is one of them…

Continue reading Big News

TLS Breaks Out

For those of you who enjoyed The Lovely Sister’s hostile takeover of my blog, as well as her other guest blogs, I am as proud as punch to announce that she has decided to start her own blog!

You can read her blabber at:


Good luck, TLS.  We’ll miss your guest blogs here, and hopefully every once in a while you’ll pull double duty and impart some of your wisdom to us. (Wisdom which has come through a lifetime of association with me, your fine WhiteEyebrowed brother)

** WARNING: This is no excuse for any of my blog traffic/readers to defect and enjoy her blog more.  Please note that my ego requires much more stroking than TLS’, so please keep up that important work, my dear readers.

Digging a Hole and Other Childhood Memories

Years ago, sometime in my life between the ages of 0 and 6, my siblings and I did some odd things to entertain ourselves during the dog days of summer.  During this time, we lived on a farm in a rural community and had plenty of world to explore and discover around us.

Continue reading Digging a Hole and Other Childhood Memories